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Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

Must Read! 12 Tips After Buying a New Laptop

Sometimes, in our minds or minds ringing, what to do after having a new laptop? Tips after buying a new laptop, what should we do with the laptop?

Indeed, the question becomes one of the most fundamental questions for ourselves or for those who still lay on electronic devices, as well as this one laptop device. The questions that arise are not answered with petty assumptions!

Never underestimate or simply hand over to technicians who are in a computer store when having a new laptop ready for use, according to the needs of your computing activities in day-to-day.

For some people, laptop is the second life for them. As much as 80% of their work is more dependent on health and the maximum performance of the laptop itself.

Not only that, although it is currently the price of the laptop itself tend to be cheap and quite affordable by many people, but still in buying a new laptop this is sometimes not one of the easy choice!

Most ordinary people would ask their friends, relatives or anyone else that he considers to know better in the field of computers and laptops. Before buying, they will definitely ask:
  • What's a good laptop huh?
  • Good laptop for gaming?
  • Which laptop is suitable for college?
  • And many more fundamental questions before buying a laptop

After the laptop has been purchased, the question does not end there. There are still other questions that arise after buying a laptop. One of them, "what to do with a new laptop?" or "after buying a new laptop, what should I do?".

Tips After Buying a New Laptop


1. Before Getting Started, Make Sure Not Defect

The first thing to do is check the physical condition of the laptop you just bought. Check if it's true your laptop is new, smooth, no cracks, blisters or other scratches.

If indeed there is a flawed side, it would be nice to directly swap the laptop to his store directly. If rejected, just warranty claims by using warranty card available in the laptop package and do not forget also to include a memorandum of purchase you ever do.

So for you who buy a laptop online how to restore? Usually in the product description of the seller itself has included a few lines of information if there is a disabled laptop.

Well, you can follow the procedure because indeed every seller is different in the procedure itself.

2. Ensure in terms of completeness

After the new laptop has checked the state or physical condition that turned out okay there is no defect at all, then the next step you need to check is to make sure the completeness of the laptop itself.

Before you turn on the laptop, it would be nice to check the completeness of the contents boxnya it first. Whether it is fitting or even less than the list of sales packing that you have purchased.

For example, make sure some devices are available in the laptop box, such as:
  • Battery
  • Charger
  • Driver CD
  • Guidebook
  • Guarantee card
  • And many others

If there is a lack or incomplete, then you can directly ask the store where you bought the laptop.

3. Understand Guidebooks and Read Warranty Cards

Although indeed you as a buyer is quite familiar with the ordinance of the use of the laptop itself, but there's nothing wrong if you read the manual book that is certainly included in the box.

If necessary, read the manual until it is complete. Usually, in the manual described the ways to use the laptop the most correct and safe steps in using the laptop as a user.

Not only guidebooks, there is another warranty card. This warranty card contains about a thing or rights that you have as a consumer if indeed someday there is a problem with the purchase of your new laptop or accident distribution.

Well that's the benefit of the warranty card and do not forget to include the address where you are and the validity period.

4. Install Driver

When starting a laptop, of course this becomes one of the most important and most important thing for us to do, so that all devices or applications on the laptop can work or work properly and optimally possible.

Almost all laptop vendors themselves include their laptop drivers in the form of CDs or even DVDs. However, the bad news, not all vendors provide pieces of CD is very useful.

Lately, can be seen more and more laptop vendors who do not include the driver in the form of CD or DVD pieces in the sales package. If it does not exist, then we should try to ask the store where you buy the laptop.

After you ask the store, usually they will directly provide a driver that is compatible in accordance with what you need. Keep a good CD or DVD that contains the driver, so that later if there are obstacles in the middle of the road, such as reinstall the operating system, then you as the owner of the laptop will not be hassles.

Because, the cost of reinstalling the operating system itself is usually quite expensive, especially if you need a really original operating system (original). If indeed it does not exist, then you must take the trouble to download it one by one first.

After that, you should pay attention to the driver package from the laptop maker itself, which sometimes there are so many applications that are not very necessary. One such example or term is commonly called bloatware.

In some cases, this kind of application is actually more annoying than the benefits that can be taken.

5. Install Antivirus

The second important thing is Antivirus. To install this antivirus entirely one option or optional, bend things that must exist in a computer. This makes a room for the owner.

Without antivirus, your laptop becomes a very soft target of so many kinds of dangers and crime or fad done by others. In certain cases, many are using antivirus like Avira, SmadAV and many more other antivirus.

That need to run, as good as any antivirus that is in your laptop, without updating antivirus, just as useless! Like a robot that has been steamed increasingly outdated.

If it appears an antivirus update, it is important to update, do the antivirus update itself also periodically.

6. Install Office

The third is also a necessity, not an optional. How else, if not installed office software, how can we type? How can we make a report? Paper? Up to Powerpoint?

For office applications itself, which is currently very popular is Microsoft Office that has been widely used. Most people choose Microsoft Office because it is innate, easy to use, simple simple alias and not complicated.

What is clear, within Microsoft Office itself also exists, such as:
  • Microsoft Office Word
  • Microsoft Office Excel
  • Microsoft Office Powerpoint
  • And many others

To use office software from Microsoft itself, you should use the original software that you need to buy by pay. Do not download pirated Microsoft Office applications.

However, if you yourself want a free office, then you can choose another office service, which is also still legal, but open source, for example Libre Office and Open Office.

It is recommended that for easy usage as well as familiar ones, you can use Microsoft Office and to get the license, you are required to pay or buy the license.

7. Install Browser


The fourth step itself also should not be you! Today, where the era of modern and more sophisticated, certainly many who have a laptop and used for the internet.

If there is no browser, we can not internet-an even though there is already Wi-Fi facility or other network. Usually, automatically, Microsoft includes the Internet Explorer service in it when the Windows operating system is installed.

However, it is only Internet Explorer service. It is recommended to download another free browser also in its use. Recommended browsers, such as:
  • Google Chrome (free)
  • Mozilla Firefox (free)

Both browsers are now widely used and reliable by most users today. Most of the users also prefer to leave Internet Explorer because it is not performing well or optimally.

For the use of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, actually depends on the user's own habits. For example, I'm more or more comfortable using Google Chrome because it's fast and looks cool.

Do not forget also in every browser is definitely doing an update name to fix any bugs and design is much newer. Maximize the update of the browser which also will not be charged. Free!

8. Set the Start Menu and Shortcut

For ease of use for those of you who have a new laptop, this step is recommended to do.

Of course in the new laptop sometimes still empty and nothing new and only filled some software. There is also a lot of software.

This is the most important step we should take is to set the feature on the start menu and not to miss shortcut for the important software which most likely every day will be run.

One example of frequently used applications that you can put on shortcuts, such as:
  • My computer
  • Recycle bin
  • Office (Microsoft Office)
  • Browser
  • Important folders
  • Editing (Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, and so forth)

It is recommended for the application to put it on the desktop to be a shortcut so that later when using the program can be quickly, without having to bother looking for it first.

9. Remove (Uninstall) Unnecessary Applications

Usually, when buying a new laptop, from the seller will do the installation of some additional applications that will of course be useful for you as users.

However, to note here, often additional applications that are installed instead are usually not so useful for you and just give the burden on RAM, and no less consuming hard disk space, so that the performance of the laptop is not optimal and become slow.

Therefore, try to uninstall some unused applications through Control Panel. Remember, uninstall completely unused applications only!

Usually a useless or unused app itself will never be used in the future, which is an additional application that is sometimes used, sometimes not.

10. Set Your Laptop Screen Resolution

In this increasingly modern era, already so much and increasingly mushroomed from laptops produced, comes with a screen resolution that is so sharp and so colorful. However, it turns out behind it all, there are drawbacks!

Screen with a resolution that is too large, can make the icon and font size to be too small. Or on the contrary, the resolution is too low, making the icon look much larger than its normal size.

To be able to adjust the screen resolution according to what you want, you can right click on your laptop desktop and look for menu to change the resolution.

For different versions of Windows, it may also be different to set the resolution. The steps to be done are different.

11. Download Other Software (Quite Useful)

Not only antivirus, office and browser only, you as the owner of a new laptop can add it with software that is quite useful.

Software such as:
  • Music or video player
  • Application to open PDF file
  • App to open photos
  • Applications for photo editing
  • Applications for video editing
  • Game (if necessary)
  • And many more supporting applications or other additional applications

It's incomplete if it does not have supporting applications because many are using this laptop is used for design, play games and so forth.

To play music in the laptop can also be, as one of the alternatives or alternatives play music on a smartphone.

12. Buying Supporting Devices

The last one, which can be explained here is to buy a support device. Some of these support devices themselves also function the same as supporting software, which is to help you the laptop user easier to use everyday.

Some support tools may be useful, such as:
  • Mouse
  • Modem
  • Joystick (if necessary)
  • And many more devices you may need later

Many other alternatives actually if the laptop is damaged and no longer enter into the warranty period.

One of them if the laptop keyboard is damaged. If the keyboard is embedded, of course we must bring it to the service. Or, if you do not want to be bothered, can buy an external keyboard is affordable but in its carriage will be quite difficult if taken anywhere.

About 12, tips or guides that may be useful to you after buying a new laptop on what steps should be taken.

If it is all done without your constraints, then you can use properly, with appropriate use in accordance with the wishes or needs.

Please note also, the normal life of the laptop itself is usually between 3-5 years. If it has been damaged in certain parts after all these years, it is a natural thing, or if you have more budget, can buy a new laptop for your needs, if the old laptop that is years old is already damaged and started obsolete.
Author Profile

About Brito Sae

Junior Content Writer at Alfa Notes.

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