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Selasa, 15 November 2016

How Water is Wasted From the Body

How Water is Wasted From the Body - Humans do require water to support energy needs is maintained.

If we do not drink the water, then not long after that his name will certainly feel dehydrated.

And in fact, how water is wasted from our bodies (human)? Here are some answers and an explanation.


1. Through the current Sweat Exercise

Sweat is necessary by way could be issued to regulate the temperature of the human body.

The evaporation of sweat from the skin surface has a cooling effect due to the latent heat of vaporization of water that takes the temperature of the heat coming from the skin. That is why if the weather is hot, or the muscle work is heating up due to work hard, then the body will produce sweat.

This sweating will increase if we are in a condition or state of nervousness and sweating will go down when in a state of fever.

Sweat glands are divided into two, namely:
  • Eccrine sweat glands
  • Apocrine sweat glands

The positive impact of sweating:
  • Get rid of toxins that do exist in the body.
  • Burn calories in the body.
  • Streamlining the blood circulation.
  • Assist in cooling the body when it is overheated.
  • Lose sense of stress.
  • Beautify the skin

The negative impact of sweating:
  • This sweating can make clothes become wet or damp.
  • Sweat contains salt, which can leave spots on clothes whitish or yellowish.
  • Sweat can create the right environment for the growth of some microorganisms are harmless enough, like mushrooms.
  • Wait a moment if you want a shower and use warm water in the bath.
  • Excessive sweating can lead to itching and redness in the skin.
  • When we took a shower with cold water after sweating, then it could happen or risk fatal.

2. Through Urine

Urine or urine or urine commonly referred to as a residual liquid that has been excreted by the kidney, and then be excreted from the body through urination.

The main function of this urine is actually to dispose of waste products such as for example toxins or drugs that exist in the body.

Urine could be one clue if dehydration. People who are not dehydrated, then his urine clear as water. However, if the person is dehydrated, the urine will be dark yellow or even brown.
Author Profile

About Habib

Junior Content Writer at Alfa Notes.

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